Author Archives: Matt Lundstrom

About Matt Lundstrom

Matt Lundstrom is the Founder and CEO of, Inc

How to Increase Website Traffic by Creating Sticky Content

Increase Website TrafficSince we’re in the business of supplying high-quality shared web hosting, cloud virtual dedicated server hosting, and dedicated server solutions, it’s no surprise that the GlowHost team gets a lot of queries from customers who need extra help in growing their website. In our last blog post, we talked about search engine optimization (SEO) and attracting visitors to your website. But how can you make these visitors come back regularly? How can you turn a one-time visitor into a long-term prospect for revenue?

The ultimate online goal for any small to medium-sized business must be to build a community of potential customers that takes an active interest in the products and services you offer. Your visitors demand more than just a catalogue of products; it is your responsibility to use your web hosting service to its full capabilities, implementing a range of interactive content that keeps customers coming back.

Web hosting plans from GlowHost include a number of different features to help you create “sticky” content, affordably and quickly. We’ve designed every one of our hosting solutions with flexibility in mind, and whether you are an expert developer or a complete novice, GlowHost web hosting services can launch your online community and keep your visitors satisfied over the coming years.

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Does SEO Work? The Truth About Search Engine Optimization

SEO HostingFor anybody who uses a web hosting plan, attracting visitors to your website is probably among the most important of your day-to-day tasks. Whether you are running the online branch of your business, trying to attract visitors to your sponsored blog, or simply looking to maximize the number of people who read your written content, capturing the attention of Internet users is a difficult, but vital task.

One of the most common places to begin is the world of search engine optimization, or SEO. The theory is simple: optimize the pages of your website to achieve a high ranking position on major search engines such as Google, and your visitor numbers will skyrocket. But in practice, great SEO is only part of the picture, and just one aspect of achieving the traffic you are looking for.

GlowHost has tailored every one of our web hosting services to make it easier for you to attract visitors with SEO and – more importantly –keep them coming back for more high-quality content. To help you make the most of your shared hosting, cloud virtual dedicated server hosting (VDS), or dedicated server hosting plan, we offer a range of web hosting features for SEO and attracting more traffic.

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