If you have a business, you have probably realized how valuable a website is in today’s world. As you prepare to create a website for your company, you also need to decide on a web host. There are several benefits to selecting a web host over trying to manage your website in-house.
Biggest bang for your buck
Selecting a web host like GlowHost allows you to concentrate your capital on your most pressing business needs. First of all, if you hire a web host, you don’t have to shell out the dough for servers. Your web host provides the servers, so you can use your capital to take care of your primary business needs. You also get a predictable monthly cost for web hosting services. If you are running your own server, you have to budget for any possible mishaps and repairs. Putting this kind of liquid capital out of use for most business would be unheard of and harmful. You definitely get the biggest bang for your buck by selecting a web host.
Helps you extend your resources
Selecting a web host will also allows you to extend your resources as much as possible. You won’t have to pay extra IT employees to manage and maintain the server. For the most part, a server would run well, however, for that random time when your server crashes at 3 AM, if you don’t have someone on hand to fix it, your website won’t work. Wouldn’t you rather hire a web host like us to handle server mishaps? If you hire a good web host like GlowHost, when there is a problem with the server, it is almost always fixed before you even notice. You are also able to take advantage of all the new technologies without having to spend man hours or money to train. Your web host trains their own employees on how to utilize the hottest new technologies, and then they offer it to you. You can use your capital on more immediate business matters such as inventory, promotions, or advertising.
Helps you manage risk
Selecting a web host will help you manage risk within your business. Since you don’t have to spend exorbitant amounts on a server, you could use some of that money to store away for unexpected emergencies. Having an excellent web host also just about guarantees you will always stay online. There are (supposed to be) experts running maintenance checks on our servers at a web host, and if anything goes wrong, there is someone ready to do the necessary repairs and get your website up and running as quickly as possible. At GlowHost we have those guys working 24/7/365 including holidays to make sure that happens. A web hosting service also allows you to make changes as your business grows. You might sell a product that has overnight success, and your bandwidth allotment might go from a small amount to an extremely large amount. If you have web hosting service from GlowHost, it can be as simple as calling your new favorite web host and requesting an upgrade, or even simpler, use live chat or a support ticket. You can also add new technologies without much trouble as your company grows. The flexibility of what a web hosting service like ours can do will benefit your company greatly.
If you haven’t learned by now, you NEED a web hosting service. Why not try GlowHost? We’ve been in the business since 2002 and have excellent reviews online. Selecting a web host like ours will benefit your company in many ways in which you don’t want to miss.
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