GlowHost Shared Web Hosting Services

We sell a lot of shared web hosting to customers around the world. In fact, shared web hosting is our top seller. One of the most frequently asked questions is “Which shared hosting package is right for me?” That’s a great question so I would like to answer that in today’s blog post. We offer three types of shared web hosting packages: Budget Shared Web Hosting, Advanced Shared Web Hosting, and Professional Shared Web Hosting. Each one is configured with specific options and pricing based on what customers typically need and use with their shared web hosting account.

Understanding server loading and how many accounts are on your server

Before we get into the specifics of each GlowHost shared web hosting package, first you need to understand that each type of shared web hosting service is hosted on a server with other web hosting accounts. But one unique aspect to our shared web hosting services is that each type of shared web hosting package is hosted on servers that are limited to the number of hosting accounts we’ll host on them. The fewer the hosting accounts on a server, the more performance, security, and reliability you get with that particular server. On the other hand, the more hosting accounts we host on a server, you may experience a decrease in performance, security, and reliability.

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