Top Three Reasons You Need Scalable Hosting

How scalable is your web host?

You might be asking yourself, “what does it matter if my host is scalable?”

Honestly, if you don’t plan on growing your site and it’s performing fine then
scaling may not matter to you. But there is an exception to the rule that most online business
owners forget about…

The Holidays.

Your online business needs scalability more than ever this time of year.

Scalability is simply the ability for your hosting to behave in an elastic manner. Growing and
shrinking with the load placed upon your website.

This ensures you are online during traffic spikes, and most importantly… not losing sales.

Business owners just like you are driving people to their online stores with outrageous discounts and deals. This means huge amounts of traffic in short periods of time.

Twitter, Facebook, Email, Banner Ads, Ad Retargeting campaigns can spike instantly this
time of year. If you have a lot of Twitter followers then you might get RT’s and trend up quickly
which leads to traffic hitting your website.

Facebook can generate hundreds of visitors in seconds… I’ve experienced this on one of my
hobby websites and it totally brought my site down.. costing me sales.

Three Reasons You Need Scalable Hosting – to Avoid:

#1. Slow Performance
#2. Website Down or Offline
#3. Lost Sales

With the holiday season upon us, it’s time to reconsider your hosting needs. Gone are the days
where moving your site was a nuisance. Now, you can easily be up and running with a new Web
Host in just a few short hours. In fact GlowHost can do all the work for you with their free transfer services.

Here are a few Holiday Season offers you should consider.

Holiday Web Hosting Offers


Offer #1: @GlowHost Holiday Special: 3 Months FREE #hosting + Domain for $1.99. Use coupon HAPPYHOLIDAYS

Offer #2: 50% off any shared #web #hosting specials @GlowHost Use coupon HOHOHO

My web host told me that I overloaded the server!

My Overloaded Server Story

From time to time I face problematic accounts that overload our servers. Usually these accounts are hosted on shared (note: cheapest) packages. I would like to highlight the issues and sort things out.

There are lots of reasons for a simple account starting to overload a server, one of the most common reasons being that the number of visitors to a website soars (traffic), or, the code powering the web site is not optimized, is out of date, has known security holes, or any combination of the above.

nuke From a traffic standpoint, a site that was used to having only 100 daily visitors could skyrocket to tens of thousands overnight because of some specific unpredictable event that came out of nowhere. This is generally a good problem to have, as most web site owners would like to have websites which have become extremely popular.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that bandwidth usage and load are somehow related. High bandwidth usage doesn’t mean that a website starts overloading the whole server. I’ve dealt with  accounts that have used hundreds of gigabytes of bandwidth over the course of a couple days and at the same time, didn’t create any noticeable load. That is in part because our shared servers are extremely powerful and have super-fast uplinks, but also because the site was properly coded…

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