Category Archives: cPanel Web Hosting

Content Management Systems and You

When a lot of people think of websites they think of writing line after line of code. While this is true for some, and even the preferred method for a few, there’s other options out there. Have you ever wanted a blog, a local restaurant review site, or even an all-in-one community system?

That’s possible without having to know any code.

There’s many solutions that exist for just those types of sites, and the best thing about it? Many are available as one-click installs on your hosting account here at GlowHost! These are called Content Management Systems. A content management system is designed to allow users with little or no knowledge of web coding to create a fully-functional website that can be customized to meet your needs. But don’t get me wrong, even if you’re fully proficient with HTML, PHP, CSS, what have you, a CMS can still be a good thing!

Content Management Systems

Personally, I started with PHPNuke years ago to get a website off the ground quickly for a gaming clan. It allowed for independent login access for each person, complete forums for posts back and forth, an FAQ section for answers to questions, and even an RSS-based back end for articles posted. After setting the configuration options which are done through a webpage directly on my account, I had a site ready to add my personal touch.

Content Management Systems are available in the multitudes here at GlowHost thanks to our Softaculous auto-installer. Hundreds of scripts are available for a one-click install including the most popular ones such as:

WordPress – WordPress has a user-friendly interface, simple and straightforward administration panel, and a helpful support site with plenty of customizable plug-ins and themes to set your blog apart from the rest. Based on the powerful server side scripting and MySQL, WordPress is the ideal free blogging solution for almost any web site. WordPress Hosting

Joomla – Joomla has an easy to use administrative back end is great for all user levels and can make building a comprehensive web site easy to do. Joomla has a very strong community following and support for Joomla can be found on many sites across the web. We have large-scale corporations running their web sites based on the Joomla software package and we have mom-and-pop web sites that love it too.

Drupal – Another industry leader, Drupal, is a fantastic content management system. Use Drupal to build everything from personal blogs to enterprise applications. Thousands of add-on modules and designs let you build any site you can imagine.

If you already have an account and looking to add something new or not sure if you’re ready to get your foot in the door of the world wide web, a CMS can help. Together with the top-rated support of GlowHost you can make your website a successful one.

Ready to get your feet wet? Sign up for a hosting package with GlowHost!

My web host told me that I overloaded the server!

My Overloaded Server Story

From time to time I face problematic accounts that overload our servers. Usually these accounts are hosted on shared (note: cheapest) packages. I would like to highlight the issues and sort things out.

There are lots of reasons for a simple account starting to overload a server, one of the most common reasons being that the number of visitors to a website soars (traffic), or, the code powering the web site is not optimized, is out of date, has known security holes, or any combination of the above.

nuke From a traffic standpoint, a site that was used to having only 100 daily visitors could skyrocket to tens of thousands overnight because of some specific unpredictable event that came out of nowhere. This is generally a good problem to have, as most web site owners would like to have websites which have become extremely popular.

One of the biggest misconceptions is that bandwidth usage and load are somehow related. High bandwidth usage doesn’t mean that a website starts overloading the whole server. I’ve dealt with  accounts that have used hundreds of gigabytes of bandwidth over the course of a couple days and at the same time, didn’t create any noticeable load. That is in part because our shared servers are extremely powerful and have super-fast uplinks, but also because the site was properly coded…

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