Peak Loading Speeds and You

Rush hour can be a nightmare, don’t you agree? The bane of many commuter’s existence, rush hour can turn a 20 minute drive into an hour long wait-fest. These times plague the streets and highways with congestion that slows everything down, no matter if you’re in a big rig or our sweet Lamborghini. Did you know this happens on the Internet also?

Loading speeds can be like road congestion

This is known as Internet Rush Hour. Internet Rush Hour occurs during the times when most people use the internet simultaneously which is 7-9PM during the week and we can’t forget about the weekend! Weekend speeds can be affected from 11AM to 11PM or even further extended hours. During these times, users commonly experience slow loading speeds usually for just browsing sites. This is especially true for media streaming sites.

During these times of gridlock, who is to blame? The end users who is driving their cars trying to get from point A to point B? Nope. The destinations, anxiously awaiting for the patrons to arrive and be served? Try again. The answer is the roads or, in this case, the Internet’s infrastructure.

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GlowHost Lamborghini @ HostingCon: Behind The Scenes!

We all miss the HostingCon that took place in Miami. It was super fun! GlowHost offered a free Lamborghini taxi service service for our VIP clients and pals alike. Let me tell ya, there’s truly nothing quite like rolling downtown Miami in a Lamborghini Aventador with your company’s name emblazoned all over it.

The funny thing is, a lot of people compliment me on how realistic the “photoshop” job on the car looks. “It’s almost like real” they say. When I try to convince them it actually is real, I usually have to back it up and send them this post to prove it.

So now it is time to share the process of how we transformed a rather dull orange Lamborghini Aventador into a fully customized and beautifully exotic GlowHost whip.GlowHost Lamborghini

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