Drupal Training Sponsorship

GlowHost CEO Matt Lundstrom has been entered as the first $5,000 investor in a $35,000 Kickstarter project aimed at providing absolutely free Drupal training. The donation will provide the funds for 50 videos to be created to help users in the most recent version – Drupal 8.

The Drupal training videos, to be created by website training company OSTraining, are setDrupal training sponsor - Matt Lundstrom & GlowHost to be released in the fall. Drupal is an open-source content management framework written in PHP. Drupal is often used by government sites including WhiteHouse.gov. The videos will cover site management, security backups, updates, and more.

“The goal of this Kickstarter is to give everyone free access to the very best Drupal 8 training,” says OSTraining CEO Steve Burge.

GlowHost’s CEO added “Customer satisfaction is what sets us apart. This opportunity was one way we can help our customers build more and better sites. We’re glad we could make that happen for them and we are excited to give back to the open source community.”

The GlowHost team has extensive experience in Drupal as well. Drupal is available as a one-click install to any GlowHost customer directly from their cPanel along with hundreds of other scripts.

The original Kickstarter goal was $10,000, which has been met. The campaign ended Friday, May 15th to coincide with the end of the largest annual Drupal event in the U.S. – DrupalCon in Los Angeles. For more information, visit www.ostraining.com, https://www.glowhost.com, or https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/stevebure/drupal-8-training-videos-help-us-make-drupal-magic .

Apache SpamAssassin™ – Spam shall not pass!

Greetings! I think each of us has faced a spam issue at some point. To help combat the problem, many people create separate “personal” mailboxes which are used only for personal messaging, and then they create another “registration” mailbox that is used for registering with different internet services. Why should we suffer?spam Isn’t there a better way?

We think so! When you host with GlowHost, your website control panel includes an extremely flexible solution, called Apache SpamAssassin™ – Let’s review some basic and additional features.  Continue reading