Author Archives: Andrew Gladio

About Andrew Gladio

Andrew Gladio is a guy that can answer virtually any question about GlowHost.

Training SpamAssassin.

Keep Calm and Train SpamAssassin


Everyone receives a different and personal variety of spam which is unique to their particular inbox. That means that SpamAssassin can’t catch everything 100% of the time on its own.

In the event that you receive large amounts of spam, sometimes the usual rules that SpamAssassin applies during the process of scoring the email doesn’t always work as well as you would like it to. You can train SpamAssassin to become better at recognizing spam that is unique to your particular situation.

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Apache SpamAssassin™ – Spam shall not pass!

Greetings! I think each of us has faced a spam issue at some point. To help combat the problem, many people create separate “personal” mailboxes which are used only for personal messaging, and then they create another “registration” mailbox that is used for registering with different internet services. Why should we suffer?spam Isn’t there a better way?

We think so! When you host with GlowHost, your website control panel includes an extremely flexible solution, called Apache SpamAssassin™ – Let’s review some basic and additional features.  Continue reading