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3 Ways Adding Video to Your Website Can Help Your Business

Congratulations, you have already found the best web hosting plan for you. How do you keep your visitors on your awesome page for longer? Video content, which can be hosted quite easily on GlowHost‘s best web hosting plans, is much easier to digest than the dreaded “Wall of Text.” If you’re looking for a better way to keep visitors engaged and interested in your business, consider adding some video.

Studies suggest that visitors will stay two minutes longer on a page that has video than on a page that doesn’t. Those two minutes don’t seem like a terribly long time, but in terms of raising visibility on search engines and heightening brand recognition, they are priceless. How can incorporating video content into your website help you?

Get a Message Across More Quickly

For most people, listening is a much faster way to process information than reading. Outlining your business in a manner that is easy to take in will not only increase attention, but also retention. When reading a webpage, consumers tend to skim rather than absorb every word. For this reason, offering them a way to get the same information more quickly ensures that they will understand and remember more.

Putting brand information into a video also gives you the opportunity for more creativity. Creative thinking and outside-the-box approaches to communication make your business stand out. A good video is also quite shareable, meaning you can reach a much wider audience than before. The best web hosting plans will have great support for video, so you don’t need to worry about it not working!

Engage Customers Emotionally

After watching a video presentation, people are more apt to view a brand positively. The reason for this is that people are hardwired to react to other people. When we see others talk about a business in a good way, it becomes that much easier to like it ourselves.

Having a spokesperson praise the virtues of your business is a great idea, but so are personal testimonials. First-hand accounts from former or current customers with good things to say will go a long way toward building trust with those who see your website. It will also make it easier for them to see themselves in that position, enjoying your product or service and having it work for them.

Widen the Net

With social media as the best new way to reach new consumers, you should do everything possible to gain a foothold. We already mentioned that video is a very shareable way of getting your brand message across. Creating fun, engaging content regularly increases your chances of getting more eyes on your product on a regular basis.

When you post videos on your website, then share them on social media, you have a much greater opportunity for new customers to click on your link and visit your website. With GlowHost‘s best web hosting, it’s easy to expand your website to accommodate the new content.