Author Archives: DJ Montauk

About DJ Montauk

DJ Montauk is a fictitious character. Posts written by DJ Montauk are provided by 3rd parties not necessarily endorsed by GlowHost. Because DJ's posts appear from user-generated content, are ghostwritten or republished via RSS syndication, certain formatting, spelling or other inaccuracies may occur. Please report any errors to GlowHost's helpdesk.

Unsecured Websites Will Disappear from Web Browsers


Google has made a lot of headlines lately. The giant search engine popular enough to create a new verb in the English language plans to favor SSL encrypted websites in search results. Search engines like Google, however, aren’t the only ones pushing for a safer web. Several popular web browsers have made similar announcements, promising to ban unsecure HTTP websites in favor of the more secure HTTPS in the near future.

This move is the result of a series of factors, including Google’s announcement, the threat of POODLE attacks, and a general push for increased security online. The fact that Google’s browser, Chrome, will likely follow in the search engine’s footsteps also pushes other browsers to make changes to support the new security measures. Since phasing out unsecure HTTP addresses keeps browsers both current and secure, it’s little wonder several notable companies have joined the push. Security is by far their greatest concern. Users must feel safe using these browsers or they will gradually move to more secure options as man-in-the-middle data theft increases.

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Build My Own Website

Build My Own Website

Have you asked the yourself the question “Should I build my own website?”

DIY website design sources are everywhere these days, and often the results look decent. So why shouldn’t you do it yourself, save your company some money, and use a cookie-cutter form for your website? The simple answer is that outsourcing web design to design professionals gives you the best web design possible.

If you want an engaging, easily accessed website with the best web design, as well as cheap web hosting services, you’re better off outsourcing your web design projects to the professionals. The best web hosting company for your business is guaranteed to exceed your expectations, at a lower cost than a web site builder service, and the benefits of outsourcing are well worth it.


Under “the best web design” one would consider interactive and unique designs. Because your business is like no other, your website should stand out from your competitors. When you use cheap or free DIY web design generators, you are using the same tools as everyone else. If you can afford to outsource your web design project, then you have already grown past the majority of businesses. You can afford a superior, original product that will stand out in the crowd. Since a huge amount of shopping and research is now completed online, it’s more important than ever to set yourself apart from the crowd.

Hiring a professional designer ensures your business is properly represented through its website. Rather than just uploading a few images into an existing form, outsourcing web design projects allows professionals to make a website that represents your business from the outline up. These professionals can create designs, layouts, and forms that best suit your business’s style and product. Remember, in this age of multichannel selling, it’s essential to provide the same experience for customers across the board.


When you outsource your web design service it generally means your hosting services will cost less, especially over the the long run. DIY web site services usually have much higher hosting fees than a traditional web site host like GlowHost. What’s more, when you outsource the design to a professional, you will be able to choose a web host from a huge variety of hosts compared to when you use a site builder, you are forced to use their hosting service. If their hosting service is no good, then what? Having a professionally built site and choosing a good web hosting company will almost always result in better service and price.

Designing a website can be fun and exciting, but you get the best product from a professional. Outsourcing web design work produces original work rather than cookie-cutter websites. Outsourcing gives you a website that accurately represents your business and creates a seamless experience. Letting professionals handle the work of putting together your website allows you peace of mind and the freedom to focus on your business. Why take on an extra responsibility when a professional could give you a superior product instead?